Active lists:
This is an open e-mail list for all geographer students and staff
A closed e-mail list for the MaO board of executives. You cannot join the list if you are not a board member, but you are very welcome to contact the board by sending e-mail to this address.
Freshmen’s list. The number after “mao-“ indicates the freshman year, so this year’s e-mail address is the one above. Freshmen’s list of 2023 is “mao-23”, 2022 is “mao-22” and so on. It is HIGHLY recommended to subscribe to your own freshman year’s list to receive all the vital information!
MaO also has a separate email list for job announcements. The name of the list is
The departments official mailing list. All students will be added to the list automatically. NOTE! If you start your studies in the middle of the year for example, contact our studyplanner Katariina, katariina.kosonen[a]
How to subscribe:
Send an e-mail to, leave the title line empty and to the message part type down subscribe and the list you want, for an example like this:
subscribe mao-lista[a]
It depends from the list, which you are subscribing to whether you get a return message asking you to confirm your request or not. If the confirmation is required there are instructions in the return message how to do it.
If you want to unsubscribe from a list just send a message to majordomo with, for an example, following text: